Collecting the Data
To determine whether a student should be formally identified as gifted, the school gifted review team collects and considers qualitative and quantitative data from multiple sources. Evidence that supports gifted education can include scores or ratings at or above the 95th percentile or exceptional/distinguished performance. Generally, at least three recent pieces of such qualifying evidence are required.
Common sources of evidence include cognitive/aptitude tests (NNAT, CogAT, WISC, etc.), achievement tests (CMAS, NWEA MAPS, STAR), and teacher or parent observation scales (GES, SIGS). Portfolios may also be used, particularly in arts and leadership areas.
During the data collection process, students will usually be placed on a watch list or in a talent pool, depending upon local processes and programming. Member districts determine their own local criteria for inclusion of students on a watch list or in a talent pool. These students are offered additional assessment opportunities as well as talent pool/watch list programming in most districts.