Programming depends upon the needs of the gifted student and the resources and personnel available in the local school. Categories of programming include:
Acceleration - placement of the student in a grade level or content-area class that matches their advanced ability
Differentiation - use of tiered or adapted activities within the general classroom
Enrichment - activities or content beyond the regular curriculum, usually provided in pull-out or after-school programs
Scroll down or click on the appropriate button to see typical services provided in South Central BOCES at each school level.
Many gifted students require advanced content and instruction in one or two subject areas. These students may be able to attend class with older students for those subjects. For instance, a third-grade student attends fourth-grade mathematics or language arts. In exceptional cases, students may "grade skip" to a higher level. The decision to potentially skip an entire grade level should consider the student's academic and social readiness and involve the student, family, teachers, administrators, and BOCES gifted coordinator.
Differentiation involves varying content, process, product, or environment within the regular classroom to address differences in readiness and interest. Systematic and thoughtful differentiation nurtures talent and creates opportunities for equitable access. Teachers in South Central BOCES schools are regularly offered professional development to help them improve their differentiation skills.
Districts offer a variety of enrichment activities outside of school time. Gifted students are encouraged to participate in enrichment that matches their interests. Some offerings include: Destination Imagination, Robotics, Knowledge Bowl, Rubik's Cube Club, Bridge Building, and Science Fair.
In elementary school, understanding giftedness and dealing with intensity/sensitivity are important affective issues. Some schools offer gifted students opportunities to connect with gifted peers around these and other affective issues, while others use school-wide programs or counselors to support affective goals.
Acceleration at the secondary level includes placement in grade-advanced classes. This is extended to early or concurrent enrollment in college courses for high school students.
Beyond varying content, process, product, or environment within the regular classroom, differentiation at the secondary level may also include honors courses, problem-based learning, and passion projects. Teachers in South Central BOCES schools are regularly offered professional development to help them improve their differentiation skills.
Districts offer a variety of enrichment activities outside of school time. Gifted students are encouraged to participate in enrichment that matches their interests. Some offerings include: Destination Imagination, Robotics, Knowledge Bowl, Rubik's Cube Club, Bridge Building, and Science Fair.
At the secondary level, gifted student affective goals are often focused on career and college readiness. Some schools offer gifted students opportunities to connect with gifted peers around these and other affective issues, while others use school-wide programs or counselors to support affective goals.